Dijkstra 算法 PHP 实现
Class Vertex
protected $id;
protected $neighbors;
protected $neighbor_weights;
public function __construct($node)
$this->id = $node;
public function addNeighbor($vertex, int $weight)
$this->neighbors[] = $vertex;
$this->neighbor_weights[$vertex] = $weight;
public function getNeighbors()
return $this->neighbors;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getWeight($vertex)
return $this->neighbor_weights[$vertex];
Class Graph
protected $vertexes;
protected $vertex_num;
public function __construct()
$this->vertexes = [];
$this->vertex_num = 0;
public function addVertex($node)
$vertex = new Vertex($node);
$this->vertexes[$node] = $vertex;
$this->vertex_num += 1;
return $vertex;
public function getVertex($node)
return $this->vertexes[$node]?:NULL;
public function addEdge($from, $to, int $weight)
if (!array_key_exists($from, $this->vertexes)) {
if (!array_key_exists($to, $this->vertexes)) {
$this->vertexes[$from]->addNeighbor($to, $weight);
public function getVertexes()
return $this->vertexes;
public function findCirclesThroughVertex($vertex)
$circles = [];
$this->dfs($vertex, $vertex, [], $circles);
return $circles;
private function dfs($start, $vertex, $stack, &$circles)
$stack[] = $vertex;
foreach ($this->getVertex($vertex)->getNeighbors() as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($value, $stack)) {
$this->dfs($start, $value, $stack, $circles);
} else {
if ($start == $value) {
array_push($stack, $start);
$circles[] = $stack;
public function findLinesPtp($start, $end, $deep)
$lineArr = [];
$this->ptpDfs($start, $end, $sonDeep = 0, $deep, $stack = [], $lineArr);
return $lineArr;
public function ptpDfs($start, $end, $sonDeep, $deep, $stack = [], &$lineArr)
var_dump($start . '->' . $end . ' deep:' . $sonDeep);
$stack[] = $start;
foreach ($this->getVertex($start)->getNeighbors() as $key => $value) {
if ($sonDeep < $deep) {
$this->ptpDfs($value, $end, $sonDeep, $deep, $stack, $lineArr);
} elseif($value == $end && $sonDeep == $deep) {
array_push($stack, $end);
$lineArr[] = $stack;
* 最短路径 Dijkstra 算法(单源多路径算法)
public function findShortestPath($source, $destination)
// To do: 判断source 是否在集合里
// 最短路径是否不存在
$distances = [];
$shortest_path = [$source];
foreach ($this->getVertexes() as $id => $vertex) {
$distances[$id] = $this->weightFromTwoVertex($source, $id);
$distances[$source] = 0;
$S = [];
$Q = array_keys($this->getVertexes());
unset($Q[array_search($source, $Q)]);
while ($Q) {
$source = $this->ExtractMin($Q, $source);
unset($Q[array_search($source, $Q)]);
$S[] = $source;
foreach ($this->getVertex($source)->getNeighbors() as $neighbor) {
$multi_vertex_distance = $distances[$source] + $this->weightFromTwoVertex($source, $neighbor);
if ($distances[$neighbor] > $multi_vertex_distance) {
$distances[$neighbor] = $multi_vertex_distance;
if ($neighbor == $destination) {
$shortest_path = array_merge($shortest_path, $S);
array_push($shortest_path, $destination);
return $shortest_path;
private function weightFromTwoVertex($start, $end)
$neighbors = $this->getVertex($start)->getNeighbors();
return in_array($end, $neighbors) ? $this->getVertex($start)->getWeight($end) : PHP_INT_MAX;
* 取出最近的点
* @param [type] $Q [description]
* @param [type] $distances [description]
public function ExtractMin($Q, $source)
$min = PHP_INT_MAX;
$vertex = $this->getVertex($source);
$neighbors = $vertex->getNeighbors();
$min_node = count($Q) == 1 ? array_pop($Q) : $source;
foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
if ($vertex->getWeight($neighbor) < $min && in_array($neighbor, $Q)) {
$min_node = $neighbor;
$min = $vertex->getWeight($neighbor);
// unset($Q[$min_node]);
return $min_node;
$graph = new Graph;
$graph->addEdge('A', 'B', 5);
$graph->addEdge('B', 'C', 4);
$graph->addEdge('C', 'D', 8);
$graph->addEdge('D', 'C', 8);
$graph->addEdge('D', 'E', 6);
$graph->addEdge('A', 'D', 5);
$graph->addEdge('C', 'E', 2);
$graph->addEdge('E', 'B', 3);
$graph->addEdge('A', 'E', 7);
// $neighbors = $graph->getVertex('A')->getNeighbors();
//$circles = $graph->findCirclesThroughVertex('C');
// A-C深度是4的路径
// $lines = $graph->atmostMaxLengthCircleCount($start = 'C', $end = 'C', $distance = 30);
// var_dump($lines);
// A-C最短路径
$shortest_path = $graph->findShortestPath('A', 'C');
Simpliety is prerequisite of reliability. —- Edsger Dijkstra